Natalie Storm Interview

Posted by Ayeola | 7:10 PM

“You know how some people get bored when they’re by themselves for 2 long? I never do because my hobby is to entertain. Sounds corny but I love 2 laugh and love to make people laugh.”
The words of Natalie Storm: a born entertainer who loves the stage of life. According to her, growing up she was the class clown (by choice not default) who would do anything for a good laugh.
“It makes the people around me easier 2 deal with,” she says. “Disarm them with a joke and u good 2 go.”

She is headed for the stars. Natalie is well on her way to conquer the universe as a multi-talented singer, DJ, producer and songwriter. Born Natalie Cole in rural Jamaica, she moved to Kingston as a child; and grew up listening to, and being influenced by the sounds of Motown, Madonna, and female dancehall artistes like Mumma Nancy, Lady Patra and Lady Saw. She attended Franklyn Town primary and Holy Childhood High School where she joined the school choir and successfully auditioned for the Cathy Levy Players, her first steps on her path to a successful career in music.

While in school, Natalie was approached by a producer seeking singers for an all girl reggae group. After a few years as group leader and with an album released by Toshiba-EMI label in Japan, Natalie decided in 2007 to pursue an alternative course. She left the group and began to record material with some of the top producers in Jamaica and across the globe including Swash International, Dylan Powe (Prodigal Ent), Flabba (Mo’Music), Ward 21, Jam 2, Seanizzle, Wildlife (Switzerland), Max Glazer (NYC), Phlatline (Germany), Dre Skull (Mixpak Records), Toddla T (UK), and New York based Stretch Armstrong (who has produced for Nelly Furtado, Lil Kim and Wu tang Clan).

Her unique fashion flair and international sound combined with her hardcore dancehall flavor immediately connected with fans locally and abroad looking for a new sound, making the decision to go solo well worth the effort. She says working with Prodigal Ent/Swash International was one of the best decisions of her life as this relationship opened doors that never existed for her before. It was after her Swash-produced song “Talk Di Ting Dem” was released that she became an official dancehall artiste. The title even became one of the most popular slangs in Dancehall. That “rae rae song,” as she calls it, led to another big moment in her journey to the top- working with Ward 21.
“They are one of a handful of people I look up to in this business. I got 2 bond with them when they were working on the ”Dem Gyal Sit’n” project and the rest was history. They are my mentors and I’ve learned and continue to learn a lot from them.”

This experience is definitely bearing fruit as Natalie can site success not only from adoring fans, frequent airplay or getting the opportunity to work with the industry’s top performers, but she is a proven chart-topper. The video for her very first single “Talk Di Ting Dem” was constantly charted on HYPE TV’s VTX countdown. The dance music remix of her “Hot Love” single featuring Jigsy from Danger Zone Sound, is on constant rotation at clubs all across Europe and North America. Natalie’s more popular releases include “Anuh My Fault” on the “Dem Gyal Sittn Riddim,” “Gal Fi Get Boo” on the “Estrogen Riddim,” and “Body Good” on the “Creeper Riddim.” All well received on radio and in the dancehall alike. Her biggest dancehall hit to date is “Back It Up” produced by Ward 21 on the Tear Up Jeans Riddim. The song became the girls dancing anthem in 2008 and continued it’s reign in 2009 when the video went to number one on RE TV’s MVP chart. The song earned her 2 nominations for Richie B’s EME awards and one nod for RE TV’s MVP award for 2009. Trust me the video, it bad. From the jungle scene with the well-placed eye twinkles, to Natalie on the bike in her fru-fru skirt, to her pulled-up in front the car in the middle of nowhere… ya, can you tell that I like it???? The accolades are well-deserved.

Natalie has appeared as the featured artiste on five tracks for Danish super group Enur’s Raggatronic album. Enur is the group whose international hit “Calabria” has swept worldwide pop charts selling well over a million units. Natalie toured with them in 2008 and continue to represent for the album.

Never one to rest, since 2008 Natalie has embarked on a new musical project with gal pals and fellow artistes, Tifa and Timberlee who comprise the super trio TNT (Tifa/Natalie /Timberlee). With the release of their critically acclaimed mix cd, 3 the hard way, they’ve captured the ears and attention of heavyweights the world over and have been featured in the Fader and XLR8 magazines and also performed at the Levi Jeans CMJ showcase in New York to rave reviews. They’ve been featured on RE TV’s infamous school tour in 2009 and have also traveled to Belize, New York and done countless performances in Jamaica, including Sting 2008.

The work does not end there for Natalie, however, as she decided to don the producer’s cap. Her first production effort, “Cheez Trix Riddim,” was released in late 2009 to much internet and street buzz. It features artistes such as Macka Diamond, Bugle, Charlie Black, and Natalie herself (I mean come on??!?) She did a video for her single (“God Bless Me”) which made it’s way to HYPE TV’s VTX chart and is currently one of the most rotated video on local media outlets island wide, including TVJ, RE TV and HYPE TV. The video is also featured on the Fader’s website as well as a host of popular blogs on the net.

I know by now you are wondering. Where does she find time for a man, right??? Well guys, she just got out of a relationship. Don’t get too excited though, because she says that she is a lady who speaks her mind and takes care of herself. Not a lot of guys can handle Natalie Storm. So 2010 is all about work unless right man comes along. In the meantime she has the love and support of friends and family.

I think that that is awesome cause let me tell you 2010 is ram pack. You zeet. Natalie’s first release of 2010 “Permanent Hiding” shows off her singing talent. It’s a love song based on a personal experience (hmm wonder if ex-boyfriend had anything to do with it). I am actually listening to it as I write this and this is about the 20th round, honest. It is definitely growing on me. After that she is releasing a video for the song on the JUMEIRAH EP called “Look Pon Me”. And just so you know (**smirk**-mi dat boasting eh not Natalie, LOL) Jumeirah EP became the number 2 most downloaded dance music EP being sold on Juno in December 2009 and is available for sale on other popular music outlets including iTunes, and Amazon. In March she will be dropping an EP that she describes in one word: siiiccckkk! And there’s still more:
“More work with my mentors, Ward 21 and Prodigal Ent. Plus lots more from the production end. Some singles on my own label, Maxine Music. I’m excited. It’s almost like I’m falling in love with music all over again.”

You know people in love usually get very creative and do a lot of writing too. Did I mention she’s already started on her autobiography? Arite Natalie. Well keep making waves in the business; just remember every journey needs a couple of rest stops and moments to enjoy the scenery.

Fearless producer, TNT member, Natural entertainer... Natalie Storm you are officially Lime Certified!


1. What have you done for a friend without being asked?
Apart from giving them money (and this is a regular habit 4 me cause I’m a sucker for sad stories), I once let a friend come live with me when they never had anywhere 2 live ( Biggest mistake ever). It was fun at first but some friends you should never live with. It sounds mean but u learn from experience.

2. If you could ask any artist past or present for career advice who would you pic?
Bob Marley and Elvis. They are legends and that’s what I aspire 2. I wanna have my name live on and spoken with awe and reverence from tots 2 greats. Gimmie 5 mins alone with these 2 and I’d know the secret 2 power beyond the grave, lol.

3. Are you the youngest, middle, or oldest child and how has that shaped the way you look at the world?
I am the eldest of 3 children. Grew up with a single mom and the burden of understanding, responsibility and maturity fell upon my shoulders way b4 I ever wanted it 2 but it made me who I am 2day: A little insecure but a tough cookie that’s hard 2 crumble, sad experiences but a big heart with a lot of love in spite of that, and 1 hell of a fighter (big smile).

4. If you could take part in the X-games, which sport would you pick?
Hmmm…I’m not really a X-games fanatic but I’d try something I’ve never done before like motocross or skateboarding. I’m afraid of motorcycles and falling so if I made it 2 the end then I’d have conquered my fears.

5. What car best describes you?
A bug. Likkle but tallawah!

6. What do you like most about your Jamaican heritage?
When I was a child I used to love festival time. I couldn’t wait for the festival song competition. JBC (now TVJ) used to carry little programs on our nation’s history and folk songs and Jankunu…What can I say, I was a nerd and proud of it! Lol.

7. I havent heard of a Natalie Storm beef with anyone. If you were challenged by another female in the industry would you be compelled to answer?
That’s true, I’ve never had beef with anyone. If I’m doing my thing that’s the only thing I’m gonna focus on. If another artiste feels threatened by that then that’s sad. I’d never acknowledge a diss song. I’m just not insecure enough.

8. Are there any misconceptions/stereotypes about you you would like to clear up?
There are so many stereotypes about females on a whole in this industry. Most people after meeting me say “U nice”, like they were expecting otherwise. I guess because I sing so many tracing songs dem a expect a big bully(smile). They think I’d hype and be too caught up in my own importance to be down to earth or real. And there are people out there who look at u and write u off as illiterate based on what u do and sing about. I laugh at them sometimes. In this day and age I thought people would have already learned the lesson: Never judge a book by the cover.

9. what is your most used word or phrase?
I must confess there are a few. I used 2 say Bumboclaat all the time and my friends would say u sound so uptown. So every time I find myself saying it I quickly switch 2 fuck then it always ends up sounding like “blood-fuck”. It’s become my most used word especially when I’m annoyed. When I say it my friends are like WTF??!! But they’ve gotten used to it now. “Really?”, that’s another favorite of mine.

10. What are your favorite-
Dancehall artist: Shabba because “trail a load” is 1 of the first songs I can remember knowing from start 2 finish.

Perfume: That would have 2 be Coco Chanel.

Thing to do on a boring day: Go to the beach or cook ( and I only do the latter when I’m bored, Lol).

Dish: 2 many 2 name but if I had 2 choose 1 it would be ackee+saltfish. I eat that with everything. With rice. With eggs. With bun. With bulla. Ackee and everything (smile).

Thing about the opposite sex: Hmmm…It’s different for me with each person but I sometimes have a weakness for a nice ass and smile.

Go With Your Gut

11. Best smile with a space teeth-Da'Ville or I-Octane?
Neither but if I have 2 choose then I-octane.<

12. Cars or bikes?

Cars -I like to think they’re safer.

13. Blue or yellow?
Yellow -It’s the color of the sun.

14. Knowledge or wisdom?
Wisdom - U can get this thru experience.

15. Boardgames or movies?
Movies - More entertaining 2 me.

Finish It

16. No one knows that I can cook.

17. Condoms
are like air; U can never go without it or you‘ll get fucked and die.

18. I am weak for
anything with cheese and men who cook.

19. When I am stressed
(or sad) I listen 2 sad music. It always cheers me up.

20. Natalie Storm
is schizo, lol!

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  1. Anonymous February 3, 2010 at 6:25 PM  

    i love har tracks dem...