When I first heard the song “Slip Away” by Nicola Lionfish I literally had chills all over. Seriously. Her voice is soft, yet it’s not fragile. There is strength in it that is comforting and intriguing at the same time. Of course I could not help but compare her to another strong sister Ms Erykah Badu. Yes, for the voice but also for the unconventional way she structures her songs. But don’t get it twisted, Nicola is her own person, and has her own unique sound.
I discovered her on MySpace which she has used to build a large fan base to whom she supplies a constant stream of culture reggae: uplifting, thought-provoking, emotion-stirring music. Facebook, You tube are other mediums Nicola is using to expand her reach. Based in Nassau, Bahamas Nicola has deliberately retained full control of her music as an independent artist despite repeated
Born to a Bahamian mother & German father, Nicola left her island home for Germany at a young age to seek independence and experience. Much of what she encountered taught her that life could be harsh. Living in a European country thousands of miles away from the home you know, where you have to speak another language and adapt to another culture while you are a teenager must not have been a walk in the park. The violence, prejudice, and poverty that she has had to overcome has enabled her to reach out with love and strength to those who are suffering. Her song “Slip Away” is hands down my favorite in her repertoire. It’s a song for any woman who feels she is less than, not pretty enough, cheated (not necessarily on), abandoned, or been hurt by a loved one. Nicola reaches out as a sister to her through lyrics such as “You are beautiful and your light shines bright/ that’s why he couldn’t see it…” and “Remember your happiness it comes before any other” … and “Empress you deserve only the best/if not better.” And Nicola does not just stop at speaking to the ladies;oh no. She effortlessly sends a strong message to the man who’s wronged them. “But the next time you see her coming/She’ll be walking looking like a movie star/ and when you go for her heart/ she’ll (Bredren she’ll) be gone, long gone/ Bet you wish you didn’t let a good one slip away.” Trust me, that song is so beautifully written. I highly recommend it for anyone going through a break-up.
There is no doubt that Nicola Lionfish has the gift of the pen. Recent songs like"Dear Artist", “Destination Unknown”, “Forgot to Tell You”, “Food for Thought” and her earlier works like “My Melody” Secret Love” “Universal Cry” “Sweet Mockingbird” are a testament to her writing prowess and if anything else, her growth as an artist. It’s no wonder radio stations and sound systems around the world have been clamouring to get a hold of her releases and dubplates. She has worked with producers such as Mystic Man of Sweden (“Destination Unknown”), Chop Chop Productions of Jamaica (“Turn”) , Holland’s Noteasyatall Productions (“Slip Away”) and Phar Far Food Palace Music from Denmark. Her video for 2009 video has been featured on many TV stations internationally, and fans are crying out for more.
Why? Because not only does she have a beautiful voice and is beautiful herself, but Nicola delivers to them songs with meaning. Good music is still alive and well guys!
She is a source of inspiration for many who struggle against violence, injustice and corrupt government. Just take a listen to her song “Destination Unknown” which speaks of the struggles and discrimination that Haitian’s face. “How is their life less than ours?” she implores, and begs those listening- “Enlighten me, I didn’t know there were different rules for our own kind.” I love the last line: "If you didn’t understand the first time, press repeat at the end of the song."
Please note that this song was not her first effort to show support to the people of Haiti, having sung about them long before the January 2010 earthquake. Nicola also supports and contributes financially to the Poor Man Movement, a grassroots community development project in Kwa Thema. South Africa.
Like the ocean waves that gently kiss the sands of her island home, Nicola’s clear voice, captivates all who it washes over. Her lyrics are full of strength, love, faith, hope and spirit. She has found new ways to interpret the Reggae sound. With her growing following of music lovers as well as industry interests there is no doubt Nicola Lionfish is truly a star on the rise.
Please take some time to learn more about her and listen to her wonderful songs.
Beautiful like the ocean, Strong like the coconut tree that gives it shade, quick like the fish that swims within…Nicola Lionfish you are The Lime Certified!

1. I love your voice Nicola, I get an Erykah Badu vibe when I hear it. Do you get compared to other artists? How do you feel about such comparisons?
I rarely get compared to other artists, but if I do, then I’m always told that my vibration is similar to that of Erykah Badu. I am not offended by this in any way; but rather smitten/honored at the same time. Most of my supporters tell me that the reason they love my music is because I am different from the rest.
2. How have you been received locally?
Locally-No support. Why? A prophet is never honored in his own yard. Sad but true. One has to buss elsewhere before you receive support in your own country.
3. Do you have any reggae songs in German?
I don’t have any reggae songs in German. I have written and recorded German songs in the past. I plan to do a collabo in the near future with German-speaking artists. However, I wish to buss as an English-speaking artist. If I buss because of a German tune, ( initially) I will always be expected to produce German material.
4. When you moved to Germany what lessons did you learn on that journey?
I moved to Germany at a very young age on my own. Having to learn a new language from scratch, put myself through college and the saga goes on…That’s a chapter within itself. Most importantly on this journey, I found myself...
5. What is an ideal date with Nicola Lionfish?
LOL- I dont go on dates.
6. Have you ever had an embarrassing moment on stage?
Oh yeah. Lol. I think every artist, if honest, would say yes. Laughing hard. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. I still sang the song but afterwards I wished I could crawl underneath a rock and never come out. Now, I can smile about it because all these elements contribute towards your growth in life and in the music business. Lessons well learned.
7. These days it seems the more popular a female artist is the less clothes she has on. Are you ever filled with the urge to be more sexy?
NO Suh! I think women can be sexy with clothes on. To each its own… Who am I to judge any person? The focal point should be on the vocals and presentation and not on competing to see who could be more naked. Personally, I think those vibes should only be for behind closed doors—between you and your partner. What man wants a woman if the whole world has already seen what’s underneath the package? and of course.. Have some self respect!
8. Who are your top five artists for 2010 so far?
*Taurus Riley
* Queen Ifrica
* Pressure
*Jah Vinci
* Marcia Griffith
9. Do you have any tattoos?
I do. They were done before I began my trod; two—to be exact. I don’t need to describe them right? (smiling) They are hidden. If you can see them then that means you are too close… lol
10. What is your favorite:
Vacation spot: Still is and will always be Jamaica
Girl's name: Sayuri, Lilo & Amielle
TV shows: I dont watch much tv but if I do, its Discovery Channel & Cartoon Network
Book: The Geisha, Desert Flower by Waris Dirie, books from Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Cartoon Character: Its a tough one between, Wild E Coyote and King Julian ( The penguins of Madagascar)

Go With Your Gut
11. Zouk or soca?
Neither- I must say I am not dissing either genre, because I respect every artist and musician out there but, I feel no vibrations when I hear those two genres.. (sorry)
12. Outgoing or introverted?
13. Vanilla or chocolate?
14. Knowledge or wisdom?
Both You have to have knowledge to have wisdom-Knowledge is power once used wisely.
15. Sea bath or hot spring?
Sea bath

Finish It
16. Men are just special species—cant live with them cant live without them.\
17. My worst habit is snacking. I love snacks…
18. When I travel I look forward to it. From time to time I do need to leave this rock -smiling
19. Condoms, something that is forgotten too often and should be a must.
20. Nicola - often misunderstood, but yet so easy to read. Straightforward, grounded, tomboyish yet lady like and of course, I love music.
Nicola Lionfish on Facebook
Take a listen to her songs "Slip Away", "Destination Unkown", "Food For Though" and "Dear Artist"
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