Some Dancehall artists release songs like they’re serving popcorn at Carib Cinema. I like Protoje. He takes his time. Considering the subtly of his messages, hidden in double entendres and creative word play, we need time to develop our mental dexterity and digest his lyrics, to be honest. He recently released the video for his song “Dread” which came exactly one year after the release of the highly acclaimed “Arguments” video. Next up is “JA” his homage to the country of his birth-Jamaica. After seven years consumed by improving his craft, he is now enjoying the fruits of his labour. Both “Dread” and “Arguments” are enjoying regular rotation on some of Jamaica’s hit stations.
His friend Evaflow called him Protoje, but he was born Oje Ken Oliverre. He says he was never pressured into music but few will venture to say the fact that his mother is Reggae icon/attorney Lorna Bennett and his father is Vincentian calypso veteran Michael “Lord Have Mercy” Olivierre had nothing to do with his obvious talent. It’s in his veins. Must be. Protoje says he always listened to great music -even as a child, so outside influences were there from the onset as well. Some noteworthy favorites include Black Uhuru, Winston Mcanuff, and Hugh Mandell. He’s young, but an old soul. Learning from the legends of Reggae, Protoje could not have a more fitting name.
His debut album The Seven Year Itch, which chronicles his musical growth over the last seven years, reflects this retro vibe. He first started with Dancehall but after producer Chris Cooper handed him some beats, his sound has evolved to the Reggae dub style his fans have come to love. Look out for his three latest offerings “Arguments”, “Dread” and “JA” as well as songs such as “On The Road”, “Try” “Wrong Side of the Law” and “Grow” featuring Janine "Jah9" Cunningham. Locals got a first-hand taste of what’s to come with his live performance at Weekendz on December 4th 2009, dubbed “The Seven Year Wish.” Backed by his In-Digg-Nation band, Protoje as well as his alter-ego Diggy wowed the crowd: fans as well as patrons hearing him for the first time.
That seems to be the typical trend at any performance of his. First–timers are usually sold. His sound is unique. They have to listen. Apart from Weekenz, Protoje has performed at other Jamaican live music hot-spots like Red Bonez and Christopher’s Jazz Café. He has touched the mike in various locations from Acropolis gaming club to Jamnessia Sessions on Bull Bay. Though international acclaim and commercial success would be welcome by Protoje, he says he is not looking for a “buss.” In fact his ultimate goal is to produce and help develop upcoming artists and offer guidance on their craft. I think he is already on his way. With his House of Diggy Label and band In-Digg-Nation, Protoje enables other artists such as Jah9, Makeida, and EvaFlow to join him on stage and get exposure as well.
Speaking of exposure Protoje was selected by Miami-based, international DJ Crown Prince to host his Reggae Mixtape titled For the Love of Reggae. His is constantly promoting his efforts on his Facebook page where he made his songs available for download and even posted the lyrics to “Dread”. His YouTube page boasts several videos of him performing live, in studio, and in interviews. Kudos to him for his marketing efforts, which embrace and encourage originality in art. His singles have so far featured interesting artwork (done by Taj Francis) reflecting the subject matter. Just another show of how serious he is about walking the walk when it comes to being true to his artistic vision.
It is wonderful that Protoje is so focused, so he can hold his own in the studio with his well-known cousin, music producer Donovan “Don Corleon” Bennett. His visions come to life in videos directed by his sister LeAnn Olivierre. Obviously talent runs in this family.
80's baby, otherwise known as Diggy:-) Protoje you are officially The Lime certified!
1. When was your most recent splurge? What did you buy?
I go crazy with equipment. I just bought a base and amp.
2. Can you describe your ideal woman? Have you met her?
Ideal, I cyan answer that in a sentence…hmmm. Just a woman who can strengthen me you know. Women bring forth life and they bring forth creation on a whole so with a strong woman like that you know you and her can bring forth anything it this world that you can dream of. So that’s what I am looking for a humble and strong woman. I’ve met humble and strong women, but I’ve been solo for a while now.
3. Who is your most memorable teacher? What do you thing they would say if they saw you now?
My most memorable teacher is Mr. Rowe from Munroe College. He taught me 4th and 5th form biology. I guess he’d be proud of me. He was somebody that always stand up for me when dem say oh don't come school because my hair knot up or my beard doh shave or whatever. I didn’t pass biology so I let him down, but me and him always stayed cool. What he taught me didn’t have to do much with school per se-it was understanding how de world run.
4. If you had to find a needle in a haystack how would you do it?
I would burn down the haystack and see if I can find the needle.
5. If you could describe yourself as a tree what would you be and why?
A marijuana tree and is just because they adapt inna any environment - don’t need no particular climate or fertilizer or whatever. Just drop it somewhere and it just grows.
6. You have Vincentian roots. How often do you visit? Any favorite things to do there?
I’ve been to St. Vincent once when I was around 15 or 16 and stayed with my Dad for a short while. I haven’t’ had the chance to travel much in the last couple years but I definitely want to go check it out and really get to know the place properly.
7. Could you be in an open relationship?
What’s an open relationship? (When you and your girl love each other but agree that you can both see other people). Yes, I could.
8. What are the top three things you dream about?
I dream about being on stage a lot and it will be different scenarios. Like up to last night I dream that I was on stage and ran out of breath and had to be stalling and one bag of stuff…I really have a lot of abstract dreams, they’re not about much-just bits and pieces… I dream about losing teeth too (how do you lose them, do you eat food and it comes out with the food?) it’s loose, I cyan tell you what happen, but I don’t know... I just dream about losing teeth.
9. If your life had a theme song what would it be and why?
Yow, your questions dem tough still (laugh) Asking a musician what him theme song goin be kno say 200 songs a run in a mi head. There’s this song that Jah9 does that says I am my own design from concept to execution. I fell in love with that line and that whole song. I try to pattern myself to do with that song. I am my own design
10. What is your favorite:
video game-EVER??? (you should see how his face lightup…lol) metal gear solid
basketball team-Lakers. 100% easy
female body part- collar bone
time for a power nap- 4 o’clock in the evening
breakfast food- roast breadfruit
Go With Your Gut
11. Black or purple?
12. Misty morning or rainy night?
Rainy night
13. Knowledge or wisdom?
14. Boardgames or movies?
15. New York or Miami?
MiamiFinish It
16. Sometimes its good to not speak.
17. You wouldn’t believe this but I am really, really shy and quiet.
18. Condoms.Use them.
19. When I was 16 I thought I was going to play basketball professionally.
20. Protoje-music.
Click HERE to read his questions on Success and how he feels about being a Star on The Rise.
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