I met Theo at a fashion event in Montego Bay last year where he was head makeup artist. He struck me as very friendly and approachable. He is good at what he does guys so I am very honored to feature him here on our Stars On The Rise feature.

Theo Faulkner has been working within the fashion industry for 12 years. He worked for a variety of make up companies and has perfected his craft both in the United States and abroad. The most important element of Theo's work is to be able to use his creativity to enhance natural beauty yet bring out a person's inner beauty and individuality all while blending it to create the "perfect look"...

His specialties include (and are not limited to) print, commercial, fashion, beauty, and men's grooming.

His training and education, along with his affable personality provides his clients with a dependable, detail-oriented, and multi-faceted professional to add to the success of the creative team of any project, within the production budget and schedule, regardless of the nature, scope or location.

Whether by artistry techniques, beautiful skin tones, breath-taking shading or coordinating exquisite colors always with the needs, goals and objective of the project foremost in his presentation. He is an accomplished and creative makeup artist & hair stylist with experience in all aspects of media makeup: fashion, video and print.

Among the clients that he has worked with recently are:

Nike/ Oprah Magazine/ America's Next Top Model/ Sony/ BMI/ Atlantic/ BET "Spring Bling"/ BET "Rip The Runway"/ BET J "Best Shorts"/ BET J "The J List"/ MTV Promo/ Pepsi/ Uptown Magazine/ Black Enterprise Magazine/ Ocean Style Magazine/ Ocean Style Fashion Show/ Glamour Magazine/ Jive Records/ M.A.C. Cosmetics/ IMAN Cosmetics/ BOOTS Cosmetics USA/ Milani Cosmetics/


1. What’s the most common mistake made when applying make-up?Do you have any advice?
One of the common mistakes in applying make up is not putting on a good moisturizer before you put on foundation. Taking care of your skin is the first step in having great make up application; you have to moisturize the skin first before you do anything.

2. How often do you go home to the BVI (I hope is BVI and not USVI-correct me if I’m wrong, k)? What do you like to do?
It’s BVI….. I go about 3 to 4 times a year. When I go I try and relax and enjoy time with my family.

3. Ever been star-struck?
Who was the celeb? No I have not. Stars are just people like you and I.

4. What was the reason the last time you cried?
I have cried when a family member told me some disturbing news. What did you do to cope? I put it on God and rely on him.

5. What was your coolest retail find in a most unusual place?
This great T-Shirt VSL at a thrift store. $2 can’t beat that.

6. If you had three minutes on National TV what would you do/say?
I would say feed the world. And that life is about service.

7. What makes you feel important?
My Belief in the Universe… in that I know there is a reason I am here.

8. What are some turn ons and turn offs when dating?
Turn on’s are having great personality, Turn off’s are over talking and not knowing how to communicate. To much too soon…J

9. If you could describe yourself as a beauty tool/product/item, what would you be and why?
I would be a chap stick it’s a every day product that every one can use it… I would be able to help everyone….

10. What are your favorite:
drugstore purchase, GUM
place to eat for under &20US- NY
Fashion week- Nergril Fashion Week
breakfast food Ackee & Saltfish with Jonny Cake
Caribbean artist Mr Vegas / JW & Blaze

Go With Your Gut

11. On a boat or on a plane?
On a plane

12. Good food or good lovin?
Good Loving

13. Knowledge or wisdom?

14. Mac or PC?

15. Big Bird or Elmo?

Finish It

16. Everytime I think, I come up with a great idea

17. Once I lay down I get my sleep on.

18. Condoms ALWAYS

19. When I am stressed I try to relax and become still.

20. Theo A. Faulkner Get familiar !!!

BONUS: What is the craziest thing you’ve been told by a celeb that you’re styling? Nothing as yet! I will keep you posted… lol !!!

Read Theo's questions on our theme Stars on The Rise HERE

Theo's Official Site

Theo on Facebook

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